English Grammar: Present Continuous Tense Made Easy


In the Present Continuous tense or also called Present Progressive Tense, we’re talking about actions that are currently in progress. To create an affirmative sentence, combine the present form of the verb “to be” (am/are/is) with the present participle of the main verb, ending in -ing.

Forming Present Continuous Affirmative Sentences:

be verb (am, is, are) + verb-ing

Example: She is reading a beautiful novel at the moment.

Here, the action of reading is happening right now, with your time word “at the moment”.

Forming Present Continuous Negative Sentences:
When expressing that an action is not taking place in the present moment, simply add “not” after the present form of the verb “to be.”

be verb (am, is, are ) + not + verb-ing

Example: They are not watching TV right now.

This sentence conveys that the action of watching TV is not occurring presently.

Forming Present Continuous Questions:
Crafting questions in the Present Continuous involves inverting the subject and the present form of the verb “to be.”


Sentence: He is playing the guitar at the party.
Question: Is he playing the guitar at the party?

In this question, the speaker is seeking information about the ongoing action of playing the guitar.

Practical Examples:
1. Affirmative: We are enjoying a delicious meal at our favorite restaurant.
2. Negative: The kids are not studying for the exam at the moment.
3. Question: Are you working on a project this afternoon?

Related: Past Simple Tense

The Present Continuous adds a vibrant layer to our language toolkit, allowing us to convey the energy and immediacy of actions in progress. From forming affirmative and negative sentences to crafting questions, this tense invites us to ride the wave of real-time communication. So, whether you’re describing your current activities or inquiring about someone else’s, the Present Continuous is your friend in English grammar.

Practice your English skills with Aral Hub’s English courses! Practice using the Present Continuous and other grammar lessons in class and be able to speak the language confidently!

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